1I love it when a plan comes together ϲgӋܳɹҹ
2You seem a little parched. 㿴cڿ؈
3Your blood is mine! ѪҺҵ!
4We that are left will reclaim what we can.҂@ЩҴߌM҂p
5It feels good to be in the wilds. ڕҰиX! T
6It is destined. @עģ ţ
7I hear the call of the wild. ԭҰن F
8Is trouble brewing? ʲô韩ô?؈
9Vanquish the weak! Щ ҹ
10Am I hot, or what? ҺԸаdžѪħ
11Dont shoot shoot shoot that thing at me. eһֱǖ|ָ! f
12I am the hand of justice. x֮֡ʥ
13Beware, I live. СcһѪħ
14Embrace the end! ĽKcС
15The Lich King has given me true power.ѽ(jng)nT
16Death to the enemy! Ĕ!Aȥ!Сţ
17Me eat brains. XС
18I come to you now, at the turn of the tide. ҁڳĕr ~
19For the spider kingdom! ֩ɳ
20How now? ôˣ Сţ
21Ashes to ashes. oMĻҠa Ѫħ
22I say y'all gonna make me lose my mind up in here fゃ@ӕ@ʧģţ
23Be drained of life! ɳ
24Speak, fool! ƨiT
25C Land-born scum! đС ~
26For the highest bidder! ˳rߵ/ߵָʾЄ!gʿ
27None shall pass! һPfĪ_ ţ
28I'll shake that right up. F(xin)ھ gʿ
29Drown them all! ~
30Glory to the Scourge! ĘsҫT
31Don't rush me. Ҫ gʿ
32By any means necessary. ҿԲֶҹ
33Foul beast! ҰF!T
34I'm acting on instinct. ҿֱXЄF
35What you want to be when you blow up?㱻ըwrɞR gʿ
36I see undead people. ҿ˲늹
37Fall before the Scourge! ܊Fǰ° ɳ
38I have returned. һҹ
39Start running! ܰ! Сţ
40I must feast on souls. ұ횅@`ʢ˄
41Sorry, I got nothing. ˼ɶ]
42Ahhh! You scared me! ㇘ˡl(f)lؾ
43Immediately. Rρ Сţ
44Do you want to hear a joke? ЦԒ
45For my ancestors. ҵȣ ţ
46I was a fool to trust in the light. ̫ˣ(jng)ȻT
47They all look like ants from here. @СΛρ l(f)lؾ
48No guts, no gory. ԃKK|С
49Ye have a target? Ŀ?f
50Frostmourne hungers. ˪֮ҪѪT
51Every man lives. Not every man truly dies!ÿ˶^ÿ˶^! 늹
52The Sleeper awakes. ˯ˣ ɳ
53Betrayer of the light! ʥıߡȫС
54I'll give it a shot. فԇһ؈
55I await the Legion's coming. ڴ܊Fĵ[
56Well done. ɵúСţ
57Me scary. С
58Hmmm, shiny buttons. @ЩWİol(f)lؾ
59Are you threatening me? Ҫ{҆ l(f)lؾ
60Feel the venom of Nerub! aKֶΰɣ С
61Your life will sustain me! СҵĸɼZ
62I wander alone. Ҫ!F
63You'll love my new recipe. ϲgҵ䷽ġgʿ
64What'you bother me for?! ց韩ңɶ `ʿ
65I've got the beast in my sights! Ŀѽ(jng)i^ҰF! f
66Only you can Pvent forest fires. ֹֻɭִ
67Cunning plan. ƻӋ[
68You may feel a sting. ֻǸXʲôһ ɳ
69I'm ready to track. Ҝʂȥۙ F
70Your life will sustain me! Ҫm(x)ҵ˄
71I'm waiting with bated breath. ҕȴ!СǼ
72Oh, I can see my ancestors.Ŷܿҵ ţ
73Ready to brew. Ҫ_gʿ
74How may I serve the goddess? Ů,ܘЧ! T
75I cant shoot straight unless I've had a pint. ҵúһM, tҪ! f
76I grow anxious to act. Ҍ҂ЄӸеnǼ
77For my people. ҵijL
78I've got the scent. ѽ(jng)˫CĚϢF
79Wanna blow something up? ըcʲô?gʿ
80By land or sea. ^ȥ߀^ȥСǼ
81The Sleeper has awaken. ˯
82Death to the enemies of the horde! Ĕ!Aȥ! Сţ
83Aid us in our plight. Ո̎Σy҂Ԯְɡ ~
84I must feast on souls. gӭ@`ʢ
85I get cranky when I haven't been fed. ҲʳĕrҿǺܱ˄
86I await your council. Ҿ͵ěQ ҹ
87Why have I surfaced? Ҟʲôˮ~
88Fangs bared! ҵ ~
89I laugh in the face of danger! Hahahaha! ΣUǰЦl(f)lؾ
90Touch me notI am chaste! eңʥL
91The spirits of the earth guide me ص`ָҡ ţ
92Though I'll be damned! ʹҕ{!
93My quarry nears. ҵīCҪ F
94I'll make sure you suffer. ܴ_ĿܵT
95Our paths converge. ҂Kߵһ! F
96Take that ye sod! һ,@һ! f
97Say hello to my little friend. oҵСѴк`ʿ
98What a tangled web we weave. ҂ľW(wng)ôp@ɳ
99Tread lightly. _pcT
100Unleash the beast! ЩҰF F
101Steer clear. ע ţ
102It's hammer time! ԓNˡL
103must feed. óԖ|ˡС
104Intriguing. ˼ 늹
105The restless dead await. oMĵȴ 늹
106As you wish. ˼L
107I'll put it on your tab. ㎤؈
108Leave it to me, I take a big weight off your shoulders.oҰҕo֓ஔؓ`ʿ
109I am not afraid. Һoη֣L
110Blood for blood! ѪѪ! p
111Another round? ٺһȦ؈
112On the prowl. ڵҵīCF
113From the depths I come ҁ̎С
114Death to all who oppose the Horde㚈һз
115I watched the barrow prisons for over 10,000 yearsҿ@η^1fʥ
116Tyrande will pay for setting Illidan free! ̩mһrʥ
117I will reduce all to ashes. ҕһПԭʼĻҠa Ѫħ
118Vengeance for Zul'Jin! 栖`ʿ
119My ass always gets bloated during my spin cycle! ½zĕrPPǕ[ ɳ
120I'll make short work of them! ҁٸ㶨!
121We're all spirits in the material world! ҂@|Ļ ţ
122In Nordrassil's name! Z_ϣ
123Just as I foresaw. ţ
124I'm lit. ұcȼѪħ
125For Nazjatar! ˼{ƝǼ
126Your pain shall be legendary! ʹǂT
127Watchers, strike! .M!T
128Bob and weave, you fool! c,i!gʿ
129Troll smash. ħ! ħ
130Got any gummy humans? l(f)F(xin)Щӑô?
131For the warchief and the tribes. ҂ϴ ţ
132Time is fleeting. 焦С
133Who is this. Darkness, anyway? @λڰlT
134I'd rather be hibernating. Ըȥ.
135I'll get that mixed up. ҕŪõ gʿ
136Insufferable lout.ǂ˟oܵĴ| ˄